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Toby Sinclair
Apr 8, 20202 min read
8 Virtual Agile Training Activities to Teach Scrum | Using Miro and Kahoot!
Facilitating Virtual Training and Workshops? Here is a collection of virtual training activities that can maximise engagement.

Toby Sinclair
Aug 20, 20171 min read
Scavenger Hunt – Training from the back of the room
Can you remember the childhood adventure of a scavenger hunt? I remember a field trip we took in school. We were tasked to find different...

Toby Sinclair
Mar 25, 20172 min read
How to supercharge a workshop with Learning Maps
I’m sure we have all been to many workshops and the first thing a facilitator presents is the agenda for the day. If you are lucky this...

Toby Sinclair
Aug 17, 20162 min read
Facilitation using Ritual Dissent
I recently read Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed. In the book one of the topics Matthew explores is brainstorming. He talks about how...
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